*** Update 4-25-2008 ***
The filming dates are now set: 05/06/08 – 07/23/08
Only adults are now needed for extra roles. No children and teens are needed at this time. Among the parts available are for townspeople, upscale shoppers, wait staff, farmer types, Beverly Hills types, blue collar types and civic types.
Men and women are needed ranging in age from 18 to 90.
The casting department is especially interested in ethnicities and those older than 50.
If you are over 18 years of age, and interesting in being an extra on the Hannah Montana Movie, please print and fill out the Adult Hannah Montana Extras Application Form and include a recent color photo – face/head – no larger than 4″ x 6″ (photos larger than 4″ x 6″ will not be accepted)
Mail photo and completed form to:
Kim Petrofsky
MonTan Casting
2817 West End Ave, Suite #126-389
Nashville, TN 37203
You may scan this completed form and email along with your photo to:
[email protected]
Attn: Kim Petrofsky
You need to be in the Nashville, TN area during production. Studios do not provide transportation and/or accommodations for extras.